Corporate Membership
How can my company work with ABQAURP?
Corporate Membership with ABQAURP gives your organization exposure within the health care quality industry and with ABQAURP’s members. Corporate Members have access to resources to build your network and make connections with health care leaders while providing your employees with tools to stay current and develop professionally, access to networking events, and industry resources to help your organization gain visibility with job seekers and health care professionals.
A goal of the Corporate Membership program is to connect our members with organizations and others that are eager to promote high quality health care throughout the community.

Promote your membership even further. Choose to include our Corporate Member logo in your advertising and literature. Like other quality-based membership companies (e.g. Better Business Bureau), this logo will perform like a beacon, signifying your commitment to others.
For more information about becoming a Corporate Member, contact Kelly Sokoll at: ksokoll@abqaurp.org or by phone at: (800) 998-6030, extension 117.