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Reinstatement of Diplomate Credential

Reinstatement of Diplomate Credential
By clicking "Register Myself", I affirm that I am applying to reinstate my Diplomate status that was terminated due to not maintaining recertification requirements.

I further affirm:
1) My license to practice has never been suspended, revoked, modified, withdrawn, or restricted.
2) I have not been subject to disciplinary action by any hospital committee, county medical society, state or federal agency.
3) My hospital privileges have not been revoked or suspended.

I understand that my Diplomate status will be reinstated once all of the following requirements are met:
1) Profile information is verified and up-to-date
2) Reinstatement registration is completed
3) Payment of non-refundable reinstatement fee of $250
4) Payment of all annual dues
5) Completion of past due continuing education not previously completed, 8 hours for every two-year maintenance cycle

I understand that if I do not complete the reinstatement requirements, as outlined above, I am not eligible for a refund, my Diplomate status will not be reinstated, my CHCQM and/or FABQAURP credential(s) will remain relinquished. I will be required to pass the HCQM Examination to become a Diplomate again in the future.

If you cannot affirm and/or do not understand any of the above criteria, or have extenuating circumstances, please contact us at or (800) 998-6030 to discuss your situation. Thank you!
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