Preparing for the HCQM Exam
To prepare for the Health Care Quality and Management (HCQM) Exam, take advantage of study materials.

Core Body of Knowledge (CBK) Online Course, you can prepare for the exam on your own terms and at your own pace. The CBK program is strongly recommended as a valuable overview of Health Care Quality and Management. Completion of the CBK course does not guarantee success on the certification exam. Note: This course can be taken in lieu of the required 25 hours of ABQAURP-approved continuing education credit requirement.
It is recommended that you utilize the
exam topics as an outline of independent study to familiarize yourself with topics covered on the certification exam. By doing this, candidates are best able to judge areas they are most proficient in along with those requiring further study.
In conjunction with study topics, there are also
sample test questions for review.
A list of suggested
reading materials is also available. These resources are an integral part of the exam writing process.
Please note:
The following internet exam preparation sites are not endorsed by ABQAURP nor affiliated in any way. We do not recommend their materials in preparation for the HCQM Examination.
“Tamed Professional Software Education Network” (TPSEN) exam set video learning (UAE-based) for Health Care Quality and Management exam
"StatPearls Q-Bank" simulated question bank for the Quality Assurance and Utilization Exam subscription